ELD Requirements

April 04, 2022
ELD Requirements
5 minutes

ELDS offers a variety of advantages in the transportation and distribution industry. From route management to improved administration, there are many options for use. Many companies have been reluctant to adopt and fully employ such devices. The reason is the high cost of ELDS. To solve this problem, the federal government financially helps in the implementation of ELDS in many areas of business.

What Does the ELD Requirement Entail?

FMCSA does not allow drivers to use an ELD that does not meet the following requirements:

The process of operation of the device is as follows - the recording device collects all the data about driving hours from the engine, records them, and gives signals to the driver and to the company's main office. In addition to the watch, the device tracks the distance and engine operation data.

Traffic safety is a necessity on any road. That is why FMCSA is increasingly closely and in detail monitoring the presence of ELD in commercial vehicles.

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ELD Regulations

Instead of keeping paper records, drivers are required to keep electronic records of the hours traveled. To do this, you just need to use ELD or HOS. Traditional journals in notebooks will no longer be considered real at all. This is necessary to reduce the number of frauds and ensure safety on the road.

Also, all fields in the electronic journal must be registered with the FMCSA. After receiving the certificates, it will already be possible to use a commercial vehicle.

You can only use ELD with the entire package of the necessary documentation. It includes a manual on using the device for registration, sheets of instructions on possible defects of the device, a manual on the data transfer process, and empty tables for eight days.

Despite the fact that registration devices collect data on the hours traveled and the condition of the engine, no one can use this information against the driver of a commercial vehicle. If it seems to you that the information is being used without your permission, ask for government support.

You can also connect the ELD to your smartphone in parallel for ease of use. However, it is necessary to have a wired connection of the registration device to the engine.

ELD Requirements for Older Trucks

With the advent of the MAP21 law, trucks of all ages began to need the installation of electronic registration systems. It clearly states that the device must be in every car older than 2000. The devices can definitely be of different production years, but they should show the following data: IFTA fuel tax reporting, fault code reporting, engine performance monitoring, and maintenance tracking.

We took this video from Samsara YouTube Channel.

New ELD Rules

The MAP21 Law of 2019 implies the following new rules:


Devices for recording data on hours and miles traveled are a necessity that all commercial drivers need to get used to. This is not only a requirement of the law but also the need to ensure safety on the road. Many drivers try to drive without sleep in order to bring the cargo faster, forgetting that they create an emergency situation for all road users. If you are worried about the high cost of the device, then choose not the most expensive device. The main thing is that this device records all the necessary data.

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