Effective Strategies for Staying Alert

June 22, 2023
Effective Strategies for Staying Alert
11 minutes

Driving a truck may be a taxing and even boring job. This is especially true for long-distance truckers who travel along countless miles of rural or interstate highways that may appear to go on forever. It is essential for drivers to stay fully alert during their route to ensure everyone's safety.

In order to complete their deliveries on time, drivers frequently have to perform 10 to 12-hour hours. A common requirement of many trucking businesses is that their drivers obtain at least 10 hours of sleep between shifts. There are a few expert tips drivers can utilize in addition to obtaining enough sleep to keep them aware and secure while driving.

Effective Strategies for Staying Alert: Sleep Deprivation Treatment

“Every day, as humans, our bodies go through a cycle of waking and sleeping. The circadian rhythm of our body refers to this process. Our daily alertness pattern is governed by the circadian rhythm, also known as our internal clock. The exhaustion we feel during our normal troughs of concentration can worsen if we don't get enough sleep. As you can anticipate, this could negatively impact a truck driver's performance and alertness, which could have tragic results”, - said our experts.

So here are essential expert tips to help commercial vehicle drivers stay awake and alert on the road.

Although it might seem obvious, many truck drivers need more sleep in the sleeper cabin before resuming their journey. According to studies, the risk of a critical accident while tired driving is greatest in the first hour.

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For best energy restoration, the FMCSA advises taking naps for at least 10 minutes and ideally up to 45 minutes. The FMCSA also advises drivers to let themselves at least 15 minutes to recover after a nap before getting behind the wheel again. According to research, a quick snooze will revive you more effectively than a cup of coffee.

Many common drugs, including those for allergies and colds, make you sleepy. According to studies, 17% of commercial drivers admitted to using OTC drugs right before a collision.

Making wholesome eating choices will help you stay awake. Avoiding meals because you are weary when attempting to stay awake is not advised. You may feel more exhausted if you have low blood sugar. After skipping a meal, if you do fall asleep, hunger may cause you to wake up earlier than you'd like.

Sugary foods and drinks may give you a short-term energy boost, but over time, they actually make you feel more worn out. Instead, experiment with eating balanced meals that include vegetables and protein to keep you awake. Healthy diet options include fruits, vegetables, yogurt, eggs, almonds, seafood, beans, and lean meats.

High-contrast lighting can wear you out and make you feel lost. When you're driving in rural areas, this is especially true. You'll become aware of the blackness outside the cab and the extraordinarily brilliant gauges and other lights inside during extended stretches without habitation or streetlights. While keeping them bright enough to see, try to lower the brightness of your dashboard lights.

Pull over and get out as soon as you can. Walking about, gazing at the sky, or exploring the rest area for even a little while will help your brain get going. The key here is to keep moving while keeping an active gaze outward. Don't just sit next to the door and check your phone. Inspect your truck during this time if you wish to multitask.

In addition to the numerous benefits, maintaining enough hydration also helps to keep us awake and attentive. However, drinking water is the only way to stay hydrated. Avoid other beverages like sodas and juices since the added sugars might cause you to get dehydrated or, worse yet, lead to a sugar crash after drinking them. By consuming less calories each day, drinking more water will also help you maintain your weight loss.

Sleep Deprivation Psychosis Treatment

In terms of classification, sleep deprivation psychosis is not a mental disorder. Instead, it's a disorder that can develop as a result of severe sleep deprivation, demonstrating the mutually beneficial relationship between sleep and mental health. The relationship is so strong that sleep disruption is a frequent sign of many mental health conditions, including bipolar disorder, anxiety, and depression.

Sleep is the best cure for sleep psychosis and other sleep-deprived symptoms. Starting with the root causes of your inability to sleep can be a good idea. In this scenario, sleep treatment might be beneficial. The more time you'll need to recover, the longer you've gone without sleep.

Remedies For Sleep Deprivation By Experts

Let;s see what the experts recommend for sleep deprivation:

We took this video from Mike Roussell, PhD YouTube Channel.


When it comes to paying attention to your body and taking care of yourself, if you want to drive a truck for long periods of time, you'll eventually discover what suits you the most and be able to establish a healthy regimen. It's undoubtedly a good place to start and demonstrates your responsibility to research strategies to keep aware while driving. Listen to the expert's recommendations and stay alert on the road.

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