How do you cope with stress on the road?

How do you cope with stress on the road?

Hi everybody, I’m a newbie driver and I’ve been feeling a lot of stress lately. I love driving and seeing new places, but sometimes it gets lonely and overwhelming. I read this article on how to handle stress on the road


and it has some good tips, but I wanted to hear from you guys. How do you deal with the isolation, the disrespect, the regulations, and the health issues that come with this job? Do you have any advice or resources that helped you? Thanks in advance for your replies. Stay safe out there.

Welcome to the trucking world. I know it can be stressful at first, but you'll get used to it.
I mostly agree with the article, you need to have a healthy diet, good sleep, and exercise. I also recommend staying in touch with your loved ones as much as you can. They are your best support system.
Don't let the rude drivers or the regulations get to you. Just focus on your job and enjoy the freedom of the road.
I use some stress balls and ergonomic tools to ease the tension in my hands and back. And I always try to find some time to socialize with other truckers at rest areas or truck stops. It's good to have some friendly conversation and share some tips and stories.
Stress is a part of the job, but you can manage it. I find that listening to music, podcasts, or audiobooks helps me relax and pass the time.
Hi there, I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling stressed. I've been driving for over 10 years and I still have some bad days. The article you shared has some good advice, but I also want to add some of my own. First of all, don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. There are some resources and organizations that can help you with mental health issues, such as Truckers Against Trafficking or Truckers Final Mile. Second, try to find some hobbies or activities that make you happy and keep you busy. For me, it's photography and fishing. I always carry my camera and fishing rod with me and whenever I have some downtime, I look for some scenic spots or fishing spots. It helps me clear my mind and appreciate the beauty of nature.
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