Embarrassing moment

Embarrassing moment

What is your most embarrassing moment as a Truck Driver?

Nancy Furex
Nancy Furex
If it makes you feel better I got one worse than that. Made a right hand turn in backwoods TN and got high centered. When I got out I could clearly see the “no trucks right turn” sign laying in the ditch from someone else. Took me an hour to get someone to help all the while blocking a two lane highway with a blind curve on either side. Used a dozer and a chain to unfuck myself.
Dropped a trailer. And the worst part is you can't just leave and hide your shame. You have to stand there cranking the landing gear for eternity while everyone laughs at you
Not sure if this is my MOST embarrassing, but it’s certainly up there… been driving this company truck for a few weeks and went to roll the passenger side window down to see to back and it wouldn’t roll down. Was in the shop getting PM and mentioned it to the mechanic and left. When I came back he said the button no longer worked. Immediately I said “well how in the world am I supposed to roll the windows down then? He just reached up and cranked it down with the hand crank. I had been rolling my driver side window up and down everyday with the hand crank and somehow, in that moment, I couldn’t fathom that the passenger side would operate the same way. It was truly a blond moment.
I hit a fire hydrant and instead of stopping I panicked and drove off and it fucked up my career for nearly a year.
There’s nothing quite as embarrassing as standing next to the truck you’ve just rolled.
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