Truck drivers health

Truck drivers health

How do over the road truckers cope with the health challenges they face?

I hit the gym whenever I find one on the road and try to avoid fast food
I keep a stash of healthy snacks and make sure to stretch at rest stops
It’s tough out there, but I try to eat right and get some exercise when I can
Eva Johnson / Customer Support
Eva Johnson / Customer Support

Many truckers frequently struggle with mental health problems while driving. Company drivers need to take action to make sure they are coping well, whether with depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The mental health of truck drivers is crucial not only to their professional success but also to their overall well-being and personal lives.

On the road, it's challenging for me to stay active. Here is what I advise.

What can drivers do about it?

The good news is that these problems can be dealt with before they escalate into larger ones. If the proper actions are taken, truck drivers' mental health can be enhanced.

According to specialists, truck drivers should take the following actions if they believe they are dealing with depression or another mental health condition:

- Stay connected with loved ones.

Being away from home is difficult for anyone, but being a truck driver who travels across the nation or even abroad may make things considerably more difficult.

When you're driving, a lot can go wrong, including traffic congestion, collisions, mechanical issues, and more. If you're anxious about all of these potential outcomes, try to concentrate on the present moment rather than what might occur in the future.

Knowing what is generating the stress will help you address it and, if required, make changes. Making a list of everything that concerns you about your job or life as a driver is one approach to accomplish this. Once you've listed everything, consider why each of these things upsets you.l.

- Find a way to sleep and have a rest.

One of the leading factors in truck driver accidents is lack of sleep. This is due to the fact that it is harder to focus on the road, which raises your chance of an accident. If you start to feel sleepy while driving, pull over and rest for a while.

To decide when to stop driving for the day and take a break, keep track of how much sleep you receive each night. Stress on the road can be decreased by getting enough sleep.

I have a hard time staying active on the road. I sit for hours and then I’m too tired to exercise. I try to walk around whenever I stop for fuel or breaks. I also have some resistance bands and dumbbells that I use in my truck or at rest areas. I also use a fitness app to track my steps and workouts.
The hardest part for me is dealing with the stress and pressure of the job. I have to meet deadlines, deal with traffic, weather, and customers. I try to manage my stress by breathing deeply, listening to relaxing music, and talking to my family and friends. I also use a mental health app to monitor my mood and get tips on coping.
I struggle with stress and loneliness on the road. It can be tough to be away from family and friends for so long. I cope by listening to podcasts, audiobooks, and music. I also call my loved ones regularly and use a meditation app to relax.
One of the hardest things for me is finding healthy food options on the road. Most truck stops have fast food or greasy diners. I try to bring my own food or look for places that have salads, sandwiches, or grilled chicken. I also use a nutrition app to track my calories and macros.
The biggest challenge for me is getting enough sleep. Sometimes I have to drive at night or deal with traffic and delays. I use a white noise machine and blackout curtains to help me sleep better. I also avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed.
+ It’s hard to stay healthy when you’re on the road for long hours, eating junk food, and sitting all day. I try to pack some healthy snacks, drink lots of water, and stretch whenever I can. I also use a fitness app to track my steps and calories.
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