New York issues

New York issues

major truck travel ban for multiple interstates and routes on Thursday. Transportation officials say that truck traffic will not be allowed on several major roadways on Thursday afternoon ahead of a major winter storm.

Nothin’ like a little snow to put a damper on our delivery schedules
Better to be safe than sorry with a storm brewin’
Stay safe out there, fellow road warriors.
Eva Johnson / Customer Support
Eva Johnson / Customer Support

In anticipation of a significant winter storm, truck travel will not be permitted on a number of important roads on Thursday afternoon, according to transportation officials.

Despite this, navigating New York City can be challenging, and shipping freight there can be a nightmare. There are many challenges, including narrow roadways, perplexing communities, and transport regulations, to observe. For these reasons, a lot of trucking businesses are unable (or unwilling) to deliver freight.

  • Delivering to a job site in NYC

Reaching the location is only half the challenge in an NYC trucking job. There are a lot of things to think about when we get to the job site.

First of all, it can be challenging to communicate with busy job site superintendents. Job site superintendents have a lot on their plates because they are responsible for organizing the entire process. Both materials and tasks must be coordinated. Superintendents frequently have to put off material unloading when dealing with drivers because of more urgent matters.

  • Trucker shortage

There is now a driver shortage in the transportation sector. Drivers are retiring left and right, frequently as a result of their demanding jobs and lengthy commutes.

  • NYC'S crowded streets

Everyone is familiar with NYC's congested streets. Trucks trying to properly navigate the area will find it rather difficult in this packed setting.

  • Complicated route surveys

The NYC metropolitan area has many restrictions. In NYC, overpasses, one-way streets and low bridges are common. Furthermore, you never know where to look for them. No matter how much freight is present, it's useful to know that your vehicle will pass through unharmed. This is why it's crucial to conduct a route survey.

I was born and raised in what's left of upstate New York. It was never this bad before the industry got flooded with mega fleeters and clueless foreigners. If the weather was bad you had two choices, park it, or push through it. We didn't need some government official who never sat day one in a big truck to hold our hand, and decide what's best for us.
I remember back in the good old days, when we didn't drive like complete ####ing morons in the snow and were able to make it to our destinations without daddy government telling us what to do.
Oh don't worry some idiot pulling an Amazon trailer will ignore it .
Nancy Furex
Nancy Furex
They won't have a chance to. A whole lot of snow is about fall up near Buffalo, like 5 feet or so. If they are traveling toward the thru way, DOT will be waiting right at the stateline if they try it. That's a massive ticket if they get caught. I heard some drivers in PA got caught trying to drive during a travel ban, i think like 4 years ago. That was a 600 dollar ticket. New York ain't holding no punches. They'll probably write one for 1000, and if Amazon gets in the ditch, they'll cite em again lol
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